Sequencing Environment:

Windows 7 x64 (Patched)
AppV 5.1


  1. Download Oracle 11 Instant Client (
    4 files needed. instantclient-basic (x86 & x64), instantclient-odbc (x86 and x64)
  2. Start App V Sequencer
  3. Create c:\oracle
  4. Extract the downloaded files. Extract both files for the respective architecture need to be extracted to the same directory. A suggested file structure will look like
  5. Download  and install Visual Studio 2005 C++ Redistributable x86 and x64(
  6. Add C:\Oracle\instantclient_11_2x64 and C:\Oracle\instantclient_11_2x86 to PATH
  7. Add Environmental Variable TNS_ADMIN with value “C:\Oracle”
  8. Run odb_install.exe from an elevated command prompt in C:\Oracle\instantclient_11_2x64 and C:\Oracle\instantclient_11_2x86
  9. Copy ldap.ora, sqlnet.ora and tnsnames.ora from an existing configuration
  10. Stop Sequencer
  11. Update Oracle Instant Client 11g x86-x64_DeploymentConfig.xml. This will allow it to work with other applications such as Office
    <COM Mode=”Integrated”>
    <IntegratedCOMAttributes OutOfProcessEnabled=”true” InProcessEnabled=”true” />
  12. Import and overwrite configuration in Appv Management Console after adding package

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