
Some alerts in SCOM are considered incidents, in ITIL terminology, and should be tracked in a ticketing system. The easiest way to get a SCOM alert into appeared to be email. I did not want all alerts becoming tickets, just the ones I decided required tracking.


On a cursory search it seemed easy enough run a powershell script from the SCOM console to send an email. However, any console task required that the powershell script be located on all of our servers that run the console. I wanted to be able to manage the script centrally. In my search for how to accomplish sending emails from scom, I came across Tao Yang’s script. I ended up modifying his script in order to fit my needs.

Tao’s script was designed to be a replacement for SCOM email notifications. That was not how I wanted to implement it.

The first changes were to the parameters


The changes allowed parameters to be passed is as positional parameters. The $ScriptLocation parameter was added because Tao’s script used $myInvocation.MyCommand.Path to determine the location of the script. With the powershell command invoke-command this does not work. Therefore, the location of the script needs to be passed in as a parameter.

I also made modifications to deal with $myInvocation.MyCommand.Path. I replaced $MyInvocation with $PSScriptRoot, which is a powershell v3+ feature. I don’t plan on using $PSScriptRoot, but I left it in case I ended up using it.

#$MyInvocation has been superceeded in PS v3.
#$thisScript = $myInvocation.MyCommand.Path

#PSScriptRoot does not work when executed through invoke-command. If the $ScriptLocation is passed through as a variable we will not derive the
# the location from $PSScriptRoot
if (!($ScriptLocation)){
$thisScript = $PSScriptRoot
elseif ($ScriptLocation){
$thisScript = $ScriptLocation

$scriptRoot = Split-Path(Resolve-Path $thisScript)
$errorLogFile = Join-Path $scriptRoot "error.log"

In the authoring pain I created an “alert command line” console task. The application I call is “%SystemRoot%\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe” and the Parameters

-command Invoke-Command -ArgumentList "$ID$","http://servername/WebConsoleUrl$?DisplayMode=Pivot''&''AlertID=$ID$","\\servername\c$\Scripts\SCOMEnhancedEmailNotification.ps1",@('recipient;') -ComputerName servername   -FilePath "\\servername\c$\Scripts\SCOMEnhancedEmailNotification.ps1"

Where you see “servername” insert your SCOM servername. The recipients email and name will also need to be defined.

Download modified script


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